Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Morgan Family Lake House

I am normally pretty good about deciding which photos are 'blog-worthy,' so I'll just apologize now for the amount in this post - I just couldn't NOT post any!

We spent a fabulous time at the lake last weekend with some great friends I work with. The Morgan's have 4 girls ages 9-13 and I've worked with their mom Cindy for years. Holden was thrilled to run with the big girls and got SOOOO much attention from them! I barely had to lift a finger for her all weekend :)

Lanie, Holden, Julianne, Harper Jewel
4 of the 6 kids with us, Bonnie and Nicholaus are missing

The whole gang about to head out on the boat

Swimming in the lake with Cindy and Julianne

Holden LOVED tubing! She was such a pro, and would have stayed out there all day.

However... Holden did NOT like when I got on the tube! 

But thankfully did much better when we went back out later that afternoon.

She was worn OUT by the end of the day!

Which of course turned into a 2nd wind once we got cleaned up for dinner.

Awesome videos to come, trying to get them off our camera!

Monday, July 30, 2012

Sunday Drive with Grandaddy

Running Outside

Baking Cookies

Holden loved watching the eggs get cracked open when we were making cookies. Totally worth the mess to let her try one on her own!

Sunday, July 22, 2012


Housewarming Party

We went to a housewarming party for some friends and there were at least 50 kids there! Holden wanted so badly to run with the big kids but she couldn't quite keep up just yet. She had a great time going down the slide from their playhouse and then dancing and helping the guitarist with the band!

Restaurant Waiting

Holden likes to pass the time waiting for our table at restaurants by taking pictures of herself...


Funny Faces

I can't remember now which name goes with each picture, but I was giving her an emotion/feeling and she was making the face she thought went with it. Hungry, happy, sleepy, sad, mad, etc... some of them were pretty funny!

Daddy's Phone

Saturday morning at Lowe's:

Playing ball with Dixie:


Jumping on Grandpa:

Swimming in the bathtub:

Sunday, July 15, 2012

2 1/2 Year Check Up

Height: 35 1/2" (45%)
Weight: 27.6 lb (40%)

Holden's 2 1/2 year check up went really well... she didn't cry, which is a first in the last year or so every time we got called back from the waiting room. We've been talking for a while now about doctors, how they're our friends and fix boo boos... it seemed to pay off a little bit, she was still pretty anxious with the doctor, but NO tears!

Her growth is right on track and is exceptional with her speech, problem-solving, and motor skills. The check-list I fill out at each wellness check was a breeze this time, everything was a YES :)

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Hickory Crawdads

We took Holden to her first baseball game - the Hickory Crawdads! She loved the park and watching (some) of the game, mainly commenting on how dirty the boys pants were and that they were in trouble for getting so dirty...

We got her face painted by an intern, I couldn't help but think that would've been Drew painting on some poor kids face back when we were baseball interns! It honestly didn't look so bad, but one wipe of Holden's hand made a mess of it.

They let kids run the bases after the game is over, we weren't sure how Holden would do, but she actually did great! She did cut through the middle and skip 2nd base, but she finished strong!

4th of July

We went to Hickory to spend the 4th with Mimi and Poppy at the lake. Holden has really enjoyed swimming so far this summer, especially when it's "all by herself."