Sunday, November 28, 2010

Sneak Peak

I got a Holden a little outfit for Christmas morning... she couldn't wait to put the hat on :)

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Morning Naps

One of my favorite weekend activities is Holden's morning nap :-) If she doesn't go down right away, or I'm just a little sleepy myself, we'll just lay down together and it seems to calm her down. She's pretty fun to wake up to also!

Fun with Grandaddy

Happy Thanksgiving!

We had a great Thanksgiving at Drew's mom's house. Sarah and Chris came down to celebrate with us, and Grandaddy came to be with us also. Holden loved all the attention and really loved all the food!

Keeping on the Mittens

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Saturday in the Park

Playing Around

It's getting harder to get good shots of Holden anymore, she's too fast! So fast that - yes - she did split her pants!

Fun with Dixie

Even though it 'looks' like Dixie is biting at Holden in the last picture, I *promise* it's just a weird angle while Dixie was licking at something!

Cold Weather

Our days have still been warming up to the 70s, but the mornings start out in the 30s when we leave the house, so coats and hats are a must. The hat never makes it on all the way to daycare, but it's a good start.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Oldie but Goodie

So this picture was from a few months ago at Holden's first WVU game, but I just got it and love it so much I had to post! My two favorite 'babies' in WVU gear, what could be better?!

Daylight Savings = Visualizer

Holden's not a fan of the time change, so to hold her over til bath time, we resorted to the iTunes 'Visualizer' again. No comments from the peanut gallery on the choice of song... Holden happens to LOVE Ke$sha!

Tess's Birthday

Sunday was Tess's 5th birthday "puppy" party at the Y. It was Holden's first party invitation! She had a great time crawling around and the gymnastics area was the perfect place. I barely got any shots she was off too fast, until I contained her of course :)

Morning Playtime

Someone does not like her picture taken as soon as she wakes up ;-)

With all of the toys Holden has, all of her playing involves pulling up on whatever she can find!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy Halloween

My Halloween tradition the past 6 or so years has been to spend it with Rachel and her kids. This year I just got to bring along my own family! The boys are much too old and fast to walk with us anymore, so as they ran ahead to hit as many houses as possible, Rachel and I walked with Tess and Holden to a few houses on their street. Holden did great, going along for the ride and smiling on cue!