Friday, January 20, 2012

Cutest Cowgirl

This photo is from back in November when we went to a 1st birthday party that was farm-themed and super cute. I love this sweet face :)

Big News

We've officially given up the pacifier, or "mine," starting last week! It's gone pretty well surprisingly, they made a day out of it daycare, making a big production out of walking down to the infant rooms and giving the babies their pacifiers - now that Holden is a big girl! We just have to remind her of that when she asks for her 'mine' but she's asking less and less and understands and likes being called a Big Girl :)

She has taken to some other substitutes at bedtime, most times it's alot more stuffed animals and occasionally a few of her bags. She fell right asleep last night with her bag still on her arm!


Holden would rather dip her cheese stick into yogurt and eat that, rather than take one bite of an egg...

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Pinky Up!

Holden has started drinking medicine of her own free will, rather than me having to hold her down and use the infant syringe thing... Progress!

Girliest Caps Fan

We pulled out Holden's Caps jersey to check her 'growing' into it. It's still a dress with x-long sleeves, but looks pretty cute with leggings! She of course had to girl it up with every necklace and ring she could find!

Big Girl Seat!

Holden was outgrowing her high chair and was more interested in sitting at the table with me and Drew anyways so I got her a booster seat. She loves sitting at the table, with easy access to our plates as well as hers.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Challenge: Toddler vs Dog

Neither interested in getting their picture taken:




UNC football

To my dismay, I ended up taking Holden to her first UNC sporting event... Carmin's family were nice enough to invite us along back in October. Their seats are in the new Blue Zone, which means we had a nice indoor area to get away from the cold, with plenty to eat and drink, and most importantly, lots of space for Holden to run around!

She actually preferred being outside watching the game... she kept asking for 'more football' when we'd go inside and was pretty upset when we let for the day!

She got over being away from the game pretty quickly when she realized how many snacks were around for her... the popcorn was an especially big hit!

When Keegan went for an icecream, she knew exactly who to play nice to :)

Our lovely and gracious hosts, Motsie and Potsie! Holden spent most of the day with Motsie, and LOVED Potsie's mustache!


We took Holden out for her first sushi experience... although she didn't actually try any sushi, she loved the edamame! She also thought it was super fun to eat her mac n' cheese from daddy's chopsticks :-)


We gave Holden some blueberries and whipped cream after eating a good dinner last week. She wanted nothing to do with the whipped cream so we had to teach her a lesson :)

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Party Girl

2 Year Check-up

2-Year Check-up Results: She's shot up in height, and kept her weight about the same. I probably could have told the doctor that based on how her clothes fit!

Height: 34 in
Weight: 25 lb, 8 oz
Head Circumference: 48 cm