Sunday, February 27, 2011

Spring Made a Visit

Today's temperature went into the 80s! Drew took Holden to the park for some swinging.

Night on the Town

We took Holden out for dinner Saturday night and she had a blast! She puts on quite a show whenever a crowd is involved, waving to everyone and generally being a ham :-)


I scored an adorable tricycle at a consignment sale Saturday. Holden's a bit too young for it now, but it's here when she's ready!


Holden's getting used to the inhaler, she starts off getting upset, but then ends up laughing and breathing heavy into it :)

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Back Again

Another break from blogging, another round of illness the cause... Holden has had a time with her ears. It was probably the worst she's ever been this week with fever, lack of appetite, and no energy. The bright side was we all got to cuddle with her quite a bit, but knowing how uncomfortable she had to be kinda put a damper on that enjoyment.

She has an appointment this Wednesday to get tubes put in her ears. From what everyone tells me, this should alleviate all of her problems and it'll be like a new child when she comes out of there. *Fingers crossed*

A few pictures to catch up:

I haven't had any of her sleeping for a while, she definitely takes after her Aunt Sarah in the sleep department - she's a wild woman, moving around all over the place all night.

The teachers got her hair in another little ponytail last week!

This is her inhaler to help with her chest congestion and cough, which should also help clear up her ears before the surgery. She absolutely hates it and gets about as made as you'll ever see her while we're doing it to her.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

I keep thinking this is Holden's first Valentine's Day... I know last year technically was, but it's hard to count it with everything else going on at the time. Today has definitely been a lot more memorable!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Friday night


Holden played beauty shop at daycare Thursday and came home with a little ponytail. It's really more of a Pebbles Flintstone than anything, more it sure was cute!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Back to Normal

It's amazing what a diagnosis and the right medicine will do... Our Holden is back to her normal happy self!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Long Time Gone

It's been well over a week since I last posted anything - so sorry! Between sinuses getting the best of me, and Holden coming down with yet another ear infection, there just haven't been many photo opportunities.

She's still not exclusively walking and can be pretty cautious, but Holden's walking is definitely improving!

She loves digging through her books and being read to. Her favorites are the animal book, and the 'Mommy Calls Me Monkeypants' and 'Daddy Calls Me Doodlebug'!